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Friday, 31 August 2018

Dave Bautista Talks About the Avengers 4 Reshoots

Yesterday there was a small update from Anothony Russo about the upcoming reshoots for Avengers 4, which sound much smaller than some people are making them out to be. Now there’s another interview, this time with Dave Bautista, where he reveals how much he’s going to reshoot for the movie.
In an interview with Digital Spy, he addresses the recent postponement of Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 and how that could affect how their characters are used in Avengers 4. He tells the site that he’s only going to shoot for a couple of days:
“But I know I’m in Avengers 4. I’ve shot most of it already. I do have two days of reshoots. But other than that, I have some really great scenes that I hope they use. But I guess that it remains to be seen what they’ll do with the characters.”
How could Drax be in Avengers 4 if he was dusted? Aside from the obvious explanation that the dusted characters come back to life, there are rumors that we’ll see the Guardians circa-2014 in the movie. Zoe Saldana was spotted in a set video wearing her Gamora costume from the first Guardians of the Galaxy, so that means we could see a different version of Drax in those “really great scenes” he’s talking about.

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