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Friday, 31 August 2018

Joker Movie: Marc Maron's Character Details Revealed

New details about Marc Maron's role in Todd Phillips' Joker film have been released. The DC entry exploring the backstory of the iconic villain is set to begin filming in a couple of weeks.
Maron confirmed his casting in the film several weeks ago in a statement that also praised the Joker film's writing. Since then, little has been revealed about his character besides the fact that he would be employed by Robert De Niro's character - a talk show host. However, news about the film itself has continued to show up little by little. Rumors that the filmmakers might be targeting an R rating have circulated, and after the news of Alec Baldwin's casting as Thomas Wayne in the film was released, it was quickly refuted by Baldwin himself as he dropped out of the project. Even though the film's release is over a year away, the behind-the-scenes details for such a high-profile character study are keeping fans on the edge of their seats.
The new details released today by THS disclose Maron's role in the film as the longtime producer of De Niro's talk show host. Maron's role will also be a more limited one in the film. His character is currently set to be included only in scenes involving De Niro's character.
With filming still a couple of weeks away, there is room for these character details to change. The script could be altered and Maron's character could be expanded or changed depending on how the film takes shape on set. Given how vague much of the details about the film are at this point, predictions about any characters' storylines may need to wait until more is revealed by the studio.
Maron's character reveal does appear to be a strong choice, given his own history of frequent involvement in late night shows as a comedian over the years. Seeing the actor in a role that places him behind the scenes of such a show may be a visual shift for those familiar with his onstage comedy, but perhaps his latest role as B-movie director Sam Sylvia on Netflix's GLOW will help to make the adjustment in fans' minds to seeing him as a producer. Regardless, Maron appears to be excited about the film, and with method actor Joaquin Phoenix taking on the role of the Clown Prince of Crime - and reportedly slimming down for the part - the cast and crew are almost sure to follow suit in giving the character a fitting film tribute.

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